When Is a Laser appropriate for acne?
- when the Acne is intense and effects larger areas,
- when the acne is chronic,
- when the acne becomes inflamed or infected.
Acne skin or ( pimples ) can be caused from many different factors:
- hormonal misalignment,
- rapid spread of infectious bacteria in the sebaceous glands,
- enclosure of the sebaceous gland duct.
The development of an acne condition can have internal or external components which should be considered in the long term management of this condition. ELOS technology has greatly helped in the Management of both adolescent and adult acne conditions. The ELOS AC applicator uses a combined laser and bipolar Radio frequency specifically targeting certain
proteins found in the bacteria within the pustulated acne. The acne is immediately disinfected and the infection stopped. The laser impulse also initiates repair functions of the skin which speed up regeneration and repair scarred tissue. The treatment is pain free, comfortable, and shows results within days.
A perfect alternative for adolescent acne found on the
neck, face, décolleté, back or shoulders.
The treatment can also be easily combined with other laser applications for skin texture improvements or scar tissue removal.
These procedures are part of our larger medical treatment alternatives to this type skin problem. Feel free to ask about our complete Acne response methods.
The Acne laser treatments themselves require 2-4 sessions with 1-2 week pauses for best results.