Slim Concept

Slim Concept

Wellmed, based on many years of high professional experience, developed the Slim Concept - Body program. The program is based on personalize steps, matching individual needs.

Slim Concept

What is so different about the Slim Concept - Body Program?

The uniqueness of this program, developed by Wellmed Studio, is a fully customized solution package tailored for your body form issues and needs. We design a body treatment package for each guest after a thorough body analysis (stretch marks, cellulite, surgery scars, stretch, etc.), evaluate the total energy status, weight issues, emotional and physical health. The program consists of in house treatments, consultation regarding body, nutrition, and lifestyle changes. Home activities and products. All tailored to improve your body shape and physical health.

The Slim Concept - Body Program:

  • individual diagnostics
  • applied technology to fit individual needs
  • integrated solution for managing skin, body weight and energy system issues
  • favorable package price
  • Personal consulting and lifestyle management
  • Premium and friendly environment

What does the Process look like?

First of all, we assess and formulate a diagnosis based on the individual's outer connective tissue characteristics, internal metabolic, lifestyle and meridian criteria. Consequently we set up a treatment program, line of action, holistically organized to fit our clients needs and capabilities for a truly effective body shaping program.

We consider two main factors we formulating a usable diagnosis :

  • energy and health status. Mainly using diagnostic techniques from Chinese medicine, BIA, Blood tests if needed and a thorough physical evaluation.
  • in addition, we analysis the condition of the skin and the body, general appearance, and collectively formulate a workable goal and desired results.